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Orange County Court Course Search

Advanced Driver Improvement
Designed for offenders with multiple traffic citations, and other high-risk drivers who have had their licenses suspended or revoked. Review and change the driving behaviors that have caused them to receive traffic tickets and become involved in traffic crashes. COURT ORDERED or required by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles for suspended or revoked drivers license renewals. May also be required under Habitual Traffic Offender or Points guidelines of the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.

Hours - 12

Aggressive Driving - Street Racing
Designed for drivers with multiple traffic offenses and to help drivers who exhibit signs of Aggressive Driving, Road Rage, or Street Racing behaviors. Review and change the driving behaviors that have caused offenders to receive traffic tickets and/or become involved in traffic crashes.

Hours - 8

Anger Management - Adult
This course is designed to help offenders examine their behaviors, attitudes, and actions. This program is offered to both male and female offenders.

Hours - 8

Anger Management - Juvenile
Designed to help offenders , age 13 to 17, examine their behavior, attitude and actions. Helps to instill discipline in the individual offender by presenting behavioral alternatives to anger and anger control techniques. Serves as an alternative, which can be used by Judges of the Court, in lieu of jail and/or prison time. Aids Juvenile Probation by serving as a probationary sanction or diversion program.

Hours - 4

Basic Driver Improvement 4hr
Point Reduction TRAFFIC SCHOOL Approved by the State of Florida for Point Reduction (Exception: CDL) Required for running a red light, passing a stopped school bus, racing on a highway, spectator of racing on a highway, or reckless driving. MAY BE COURT ORDERED. Offers drivers an option to have adjudication withheld, keep points off drivers license, maintain safe driver status, and hold insurance premium costs down. Violator can attend once a year, up to 5 times in a lifetime. Volunteer attendance to improve defensive driving skills, and/or for a possible insurance rate discount.

Hours - 4

Child Restraint Occupancy Protection
For individuals with a traffic violation for failure to use child restraints – the course offers the offenders an alternative to paying the entire citation fee and receiving 3 points on the driver license.

Hours - 3

Driver Performance Analysis System - DPAS
To evaluate the driving abilities of potential new drivers as well as current drivers.

Hours - 1

Driving Under 25
Driving Under 25 has been developed for drivers under the age of 25. COURT ORDERED.

Hours - 4

Driving While License Suspended
To provide individuals arrested for driving with suspended or revoked licenses a step-by-step guide to restoring their driving privileges; including obtaining a hardship license. This course includes activities that enable the offender to review their attitudes, behaviors, and goals and the positive changes they must make to retain their driver's license.

Hours - 8

Drug, Alcohol and Traffic Law Class for First Time Driver
Required by the Florida Division of Motorist Services of the DHSMV for all first time Florida driver's license applicants under Florida Statute 322.095. Approved by the State of Florida.

Hours - 4

DUI Level 1-First Offender
Designed for individuals who have been arrested for only one DUI or one DUI amended to Reckless Driving. First Offenders only. Mandated, per FS 316.192(5) and 316.193(5) with level of education determined based upon the number of lifetime DUI/Reckless Driving offenses, per DHSMV Administrative Rule 15A-10.025(2). MAY BE COURT ORDERED for other offenses, i.e. open container, boating under the influence. May be DHSMV required for: out of state convictions; Minor with .02 citation; Chapter 893 Suspensions; or to obtain Hardship or Business Purposes Only permits during an Administrative Suspension.

Hours - 12

DUI Level 2-Multi Offender
State of Florida certified program, designed for individuals with more than one DUI arrest and/or DUI amended to Reckless Driving in their lifetime; and those who have previously attended a DUI school. May be required by DHSMV for reinstatement after Administrative Suspension. Mandated, per FS 316.192(5) and 316.193(5) with level of education determined based upon the number of lifetime DUI/Reckless Driving offenses and suspensions per DHSMV Administrative Rule 15A-10.025(2). Approved by the State of Florida. MAY BE COURT ORDERED for other offenses (open container driver). May be DHSMV required for out of state convictions; Minor with second .02 citation; Chapter 893 Suspensions; or to obtain Hardship or Business Purposes Only permits during an Administrative Suspension.

Hours - 21

DUI Special Supervision Services
A voluntary program for individuals with 5 and 10 year driver's license and permanent revocations who apply for Special Supervision Services to demonstrate eligibility for Business Purpose Only or Employment Purposes Only licenses. Required by DHSMV for restricted licenses, if the individual is to legally drive during the court or DHSMV established revocation periods. Approved by the State of Florida. Goal: To help ensure the individual with the revoked license, will comply with Florida laws [FS 322.271] in order to be granted the privilege of a restricted license.

Hours - N/A

Ignition Interlock Device - IID
The Florida Safety Council will act on behalf of the DHSMV to insure uniformity and consistency of the implementation of the ignition interlock program throughout Orange, Osceola, Brevard, and Seminole Counties. Approved by the State of Florida. MAY BE COURT ORDERED.

Hours - N/A

JOLT - Juvenile Offender Life Training
This course is designed as an early intervention and diversion program for youthful offenders. It will assist offenders in examining their behavior, attitude and actions by instilling discipline and offering behavioral alternatives. The Juvenile Offender Life Training Course serves as an alternative, which can be used by the Judges of the Court in lieu of jail and/or prison time, and aid Juvenile Probation by serving as a probationary sanction or diversion program.

Hours - 4

SCRAM - Alcohol Monitor Service
To provide the courts, probation, attorneys, diversion programs and other criminal justice professionals with a tool to deter, detect, and receive confirmed documentation of alcohol use via trans-dermal technology 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Effective monitoring tool for treatment agencies working with individuals involved in treatment voluntarily or involuntarily. Option during custody visitation where alcohol was cited.

Hours - N/A

Shoplifting - Impulse Control - Adult
This course is designed to help offenders examine their behavior, attitude, and actions, and assist in modifying negative behaviors that lead to theft. Additionally, students will learn how to identify the necessary steps that would allow them to curb compulsive behaviors and make a positive change in their lives.

Hours - 8

Shoplifting - Impulse Control - Juvenile
This course is designed to help offenders, age 13-17, examine their behavior, attitude and actions. Open to juveniles from other referral sources in the community. Students will learn how to identify the steps necessary to make a positive change in their lives.

Hours - 4

Victim Awareness Program
To assist DUI, habitual traffic, and other offenders in changing their driving behavior patterns. VAP is designed to modify driver behavior through educating and introducing the driver to the realities of how irresponsible driving impacts the community, victims and their families, and the driver's family. COURT ORDERED for DUI, Reckless Drivers (with or without substance involvement), Habitual Traffic Offenders, and others.

Hours - 2

Vital Living Skills
A personal development, self improvement course that teaches the participant a variety of life skills, philosophies, and techniques. The curriculum covers attitude change, negative influences and thinking, relationship building communication, financial stability and job acquirement skills.

Hours - 30

End of Search